


珀尔修斯计划 is an evolving digital library of resources for the study of the 古代及以后的世界. 合作者最初形成了项目建设 a large, heterogeneous collection of materials, textual and visual, on the Archaic 和古典希腊世界.

United States History: The Great Depression and the 新协议, 1929–1941


The 新政网络 is an educational guide to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Without question it is the most site on the subject of the Great Depression and the 新协议. It is sponsored by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and the Institute for Learning Technologies at Teachers College, Columbia University. 这 is a portal or "Meta" site to many aspects of the Great Depression and 新协议. 

“新政文献库”中有丰富的第一手资源.浏览收藏 按主题、日期、作者或出版商. 也许对学生来说更有趣的是 photo gallery, well organized by subject, including the arts, construction, social 项目和联邦机构. 老师会找到教案和信息 帮助他们发现当地和州的新政资源. 学生展区包括 classroom-created web 网站 that document local history, such as Rocky Gap High School's Bland County (VA) History Archives, which includes oral histories. 点击主题 and learn about the town's farming, churches, logging, and schools through poignant 黑白照片和简短的文字.

The 新政网络 also presents featured topics, like the Great Depression and the Arts, selections from the WPA Slave Narratives project, and more.


这 companion to PBS's "American Experience" program of the same name discusses the Great Depression phenomenon where more than 250,000 teenagers became hobos, living 在轨道上. The site includes a Depression time line, a map of the routes, and a 老师的指导. The most captivating section is "Tales from the Rails," with seven official and numerous visitor-submitted stories by former teen hobos. 学生将 be drawn in by these stories that put a personal spin on what are usually just dry 事实. "Striking a Chord" includes an essay on the hobo's musical heritage, with four 学生可以听的歌曲. “附加障碍”是一篇关于独特困难的文章 是非洲裔美国流浪汉遇到的.

加州和美国.S. 西方历史


Public History is an exciting interdisciplinary field that embraces archeology, archives, oral history, education, museums, exhibits, and community planning and preservation. 这 is history that is seen, heard, read, and interpreted by a popular audience.  We expand upon the methods of academic history by emphasizing non-traditional evidence and presentation formats, reframing questions, and in the process create a distinctive 历史实践. Research in public libraries, civic archives, and community archives is part of it, as is the preservation of buildings, arti事实, historic places and 文化景观. Since Public History education and historic interpretation extends beyond the classroom, historians employ accessible formats such as living history, digital media, documentary film and radio to reach diverse publics.


这 site from the 加州研究协会 website contains important links to 网站 for the study of California History and contemporary California politics, 经济和社会.


The 加州在线档案 provides a guide to California History research materials 以及加州许多重要图书馆的其他藏书. 它通常不提供 digitized sources, but it often provides very detailed descriptions of archival collections.


A recommended site by the 历史频道, this page is an excursion across the state to bring you the history behind the more than 1070 historic landmarks in California.


A branch of H-Net, H-California offers a listserve on California history, as well 作为主机的资源链接.


At a time when the study of California and local history is missing from most academic settings, the California History Center (CHC) and California History Center Foundation (CHCF) provide both a holistic approach to the subject for the Foothill/De Anza Community College District and a focal point for the public interested in California’s rich 地区的历史.


As the state's official historical society, we hold extensive materials about California's 丰富的历史. Our Website is still young, but growing and it primarily provides "content" 为研究人员. We invite you to visit our headquarters at 678 Mission Street in 旧金山市集南部/芳草地花园地区.







Contains helpful information on events, as well as a library of popular documentaries, 其中一些是由上海州立大学的教授担任的.




历史上的净 is an online history magazine, complete with search engine, book reviews, 以及专题论文.


《lol菠菜网正规平台》包含了过去几期的存档. 另外,你可以 sign up free of charge for access to the NYT book review archive. 



The 伯迪克军事历史项目 is intended to support the study and teaching of military history at 圣何塞州立大学, and is part of the 历史系.



包含书评,电影档案,和更多. 包括到替代资源的链接 网站.



Contains information on the history of the National Aeronautics and Space 政府, 以及过去和现在的太空计划. 这个网站也链接到美国国家航空航天局.政府 web site which contains up to the minute information on current missions.


The 科学社会史 is the world's largest society dedicated to understanding science, technology, medicine, and their interactions with society in their historical 上下文.


这个名单是由科学社会史编纂的. 它包含校园链接 around the world that offer a degree program in 科学 and Technological studies.